Weekend lalu saya baru mendapatkan film dokumenter blur yang judulnya merupakan judul lagu mereka di album 13. yup no distance left to run, lagu ini merupakan single terakhir yang dirilis dari album terakhir blur dengan formasi lengkap (sebelum Coxon memutuskan mundur). Bagi saya, film dokumenter ini sangat memuaskan. Satu hal yang saya acungi jempol dari film ini adalah kelengkapan arsipnya, Di video ini ditayangkan banyak sekali unseen archive footage dari Interview setiap personil. Video ini dibuat menjelang konser reuni mereka di Hyde Park 2009.
Video ini merekam perjalanan blur dari tahun ke tahun, dari album ke album, serta naik turunnya band asal London tersebut. Battle of Britpop, Glastonbury Reunion, Chart Clash, Mainstream Success, Britpop Movement, Anti-Grunge, Coxon departure hanya lah sebagian dari sekian banyak konten konten menarik di film ini. Dan kemarin iseng iseng saya mencatat beberapa kalimat dalam video tersebut, yang saya rasa sangat menggambarkan apa yang terjadi dengan blur dan menarik untuk disimak. monggo..
"Getting my friends back, that's what i needed more than kind of approbation of an audience, more than cash, more than anything, needed my friends back."
-on blur reforming after seven years fell apart-
"Obviously i want to see America really. So much of our culture is sort of American culture now. And i think it's important to make connection."
-on blur first American tour-
"Nirvana and that whole of disgusting movement came over from America. I mean, Nirvana were not disgusting. But in their wake, was just the most awful shit."
-After unpleasant American tour and Americanisation of British music-
"Britpop was 100 percent Damon Albarn's idea. When we were recording modern life is rubbish, i remember the record company coming down, just saying "you're mad, you're absolutely mad. British pop... you mad! how can you predict the future? How can you know?" and Damon said "you've gotta trust me"
-On the beginning of Britpop movement-
"Just as Damon had predicted, the mainstream of music did change. Everything about indie disappeared and indie became the new pop music."
-after successful Modern Life is Rubbish and Parklife-
"oh God! What did i do that for?"
-after Parklife won 3 awards in 15th BRIT Awards 1995, at the podium he said "I Think this should have been share with Oasis"-
"For me, Blur is an indie band, really. You know, you get on the rollercoaster or whatever. You have no clue, where it's gonna go or how you're gonna feel about it. But you're on it, and there's not an awful lot you can do about it."
-after mainstream success and blur became famous-
"The only reason Country House even came into.. we played at the mile end. and we tried out this new song at the end. And everyone went insane."
-on releasing country house-
Are Blur the biggest band in the world? (a journalist)
"No, Biggest band in Britain, but not the biggest band in the world. Got a lot more hard work to do."
-on winning the chart clash from Oasis-
"we kind of seemed to maneuver ourselves into a position where everyone hates us from everybody loving us. And it's at the point that we're at our best, i think."
-when what's the story,morning glory came out kicked blur asses-
"I wanna make music that scares people again.."
-on a letter to albarn, after death of britpop-
"we decided to give Graham a much freer hand with that record"
-On releasing self-titled album, which had one of the greatest song of the nineties, song 2-
"Well. i thought a kick in the face might actually sober him up..."
(on Coxon departure)
"I hadn't particularly wanted to make another blur album, because i had Gorrillaz.. and i was sick of it and i just wanted to get on with my life. But i'd made a commitment to start another album."
(on Think Tank)
"We met up and it was pretty immediate, i had missed damon quite a lot, i started to miss the side of him that made me laugh.."
(After meet Damon)
"We sat on the doorstep, and we have a little chat.. and he was like 'well, it's all right, innit? and i said 'yes, it's all right..' then we went round the corner and we had a big hug."
(After meet Damon)
"well i was quite.. you know, i was very excited that it had all.. all that rubbish on both sides seemed to have evaporated.."
(After meet Coxon)
"Playing Glastonbury this year was.. as beautiful a memory as i'll ever have. and as a kind of sort of healing moment. it was beautiful."
(on first reunion performance at Glastonbury festival)
"It seemed to me like the most fantastic story i'd ever heard while it was happening. i didn't feel any kind of bitterness towards anybody."
(on first Blur reunion performance at Glastonbury festival)
"I've got lots of jobs, but that definitily wasn't one of them. Being in blur, doing the gigs. It didn't feel like work. It felt like play. Felt like it did at the very beginning."
(on first Blur reunion performance at Glastonbury festival)
"I feel
almost a lot more innocent now. Than I did during my 20’s, when I just feeling
so much resentfulness and cynicism. I feel a lot more pre mid 90’s these days."
(on first
Blur reunion performance at Glastonbury
"we've made mistakes, like everybody else has made. But now i just wanted to show the best of blur."
(on first Blur reunion performance at Glastonbury festival)
p.s : kalo mau copy videonya, dateng aja ke saya ya.. :)
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